Concerto for Trumpet and Wind Ensemble (2018)

Wind Ensemble Instrumentation: Picc, Fl. (2), Ob. (2), Bsn. (2), Cl. (3), B.Cl., Alt. Sax (2), T. Sax, B. Sax, Tpts (3), Horns (4), T-bones (3), Euph, Tuba, Timp. Perc. (3), amplified piano, electric bass

Duration: 14 minutes

Order PDF Score and Parts: $100.00

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Commissioned by:

St. Norbert College: Phil Klickman, Director and Jamie Karp Waroff, Trumpet

Franklin and Marshall College: Brian Norcross, Director

University of Nebraska at Kearney: Duane Bierman, Director and Tim Farrell, Trumpet